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Infectious mononucleosis is a widespread disease caused by certain members of Herpesviridae family. Acute infectious mononucleosis develops predominantly in children and is accompanied by an increase of the number of circulating naive CD4+ and naive CD8+ T-lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. The normalization of immunological parameters is achieved within 4–6 months after recovery and that is an indicator of a proper functioning of the immune system. CD95 and DR3 death receptors are involved in the initiation of apoptosis of naive T-lymphocytes in healthy people and in patients with infectious mononucleosis. The aim of the study was to evaluate the ability of CD95 and DR3 receptors to initiate apoptosis of naive CD4+ and naive CD8+ T-lymphocytes in children with infectious mononucleosis during convalescence. The material for the study was the samples of the peripheral blood of children who previously had infectious mononucleosis. The blood sampling was carried out again after 4–6 months after the disease. At the time of the study, children did not display clinical and laboratory signs of infectious mononucleosis. Same children who were examined earlier in the period of the development of acute infectious mononucleosis, as well as relatively healthy children were used as the comparison groups. Isolation of naive CD4+ and naive CD8+ T-lymphocytes was performed by negative magnetic immunoseparation. For specific stimulation of CD95 and DR3 receptors monoclonal antibodies were used. The level of apoptosis and expression of death receptors were evaluated by flow cytometry. Freshly isolated cells were analyzed, as well as cells cultured with the addition of appropriate monoclonal antibodies. It was shown that the recovery period was accompanied by increased apoptosis of freshly isolated naive CD4+ and naive CD8+ T-lymphocytes compared with the acute phase of infectious mononucleosis. Thus in both populations of naive T-cells showed an increase of CD95+ cells’ susceptibility to apoptosis. CD95 stimulation in the cell culture did not lead to the change in the level of apoptosis of naive CD4+ and naive CD8+ T-lymphocytes. The freshly isolated naive CD4+ and naive CD8+ T-lymphocytes DR3+ cells were resistant to apoptosis, and in the process of cultivating their sensitivity varied depending on the subpopulation belonging. Thus in the culture of naive CD4+ T-lymphocytes DR3 was not involved in the transfer of pro-apoptotic signal. In the culture of naive CD8+ T-lymphocytes DR3+ cells were possible to increase the apoptosis of DR3-negative cells. At the same time the DR3 activation by monoclonal antibodies in the culture caused the death of DR3+ naive CD8+ T-lymphocytes that naturally associated with decreased proapoptotic activity of these cells and resulted in inhibition of apoptosis of total pool of naive CD8+ T-lymphocytes. Thus, the functional ability of CD95 and DR3 receptors to trigger an apoptosis of naive T-lymphocytes in children during convalescence of infectious mononucleosis varied and depended on their belonging to naive CD4+ or naive CD8+ T-lymphocytes.

About the authors

E. N. Filatova

Blokhina Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Biology), Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology,

603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Malaya Yamskaya str., 71


E. V. Anisenkova

Blokhina Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology


Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology,

Nizhny Novgorod


N. B. Presnyakova

Blokhina Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology


Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology,

Nizhny Novgorod


E. A. Kulova

Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy


PhD (Medicine), Assistant Professor, Department of Childhood Infections,

Nizhny Novgorod


O. V. Utkin

Blokhina Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology;
Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy


PhD (Biology), Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology; Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology,

Nizhny Novgorod



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Copyright (c) 2017 Filatova E.N., Anisenkova E.V., Presnyakova N.B., Kulova E.A., Utkin O.V.

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