- Authors: Budika D.A.1, Abzaeva N.V.1, Gostischeva S.E.1, Rakitina E.L.1, Ivanova G.F.1, Fisun A.A.1
- Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute, Stavropol, Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 6, No 1 (2016)
- Pages: 87-92
- Submitted: 09.06.2016
- Accepted: 09.06.2016
- Published: 09.06.2016
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 389
Cite item
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Over the years, the production release of the plague vaccine is well developed its technology. The technological cycle of production of the preparation consists of regulated steps, however, despite their effectiveness it is necessary to modernize the manufactoring process, for example, solutions for some of the pressing needs of the customers, in particular, small groups of immunization. Our research has focused on obtaining experimental samples plague vaccine smaller compared to the commercial vaccine, the number of doses per vial prepared in a biomass production unit (ACM-Sh) surface by cultivation using all regulated processing steps, except step of combining content two swabs, and then an additional
dilution of the cell suspension stabilizer. However, the time information and the subsequent preparation of such a vaccine is excluded us, since biomass is the second flush in quantitative terms is a ready raw material for the preparation of reduced dosage. The benefits of receiving the vaccine reduced the number of doses directly from the biomass of the second flush with the concentration of microbial cells Yersinia pestis EV 20–40 × 109 biotechnology greatly simplify the manufacture of such a preparation. The experimental vaccine series were tested by major regulated parameters: optical concentration, vitality, thermal stability, the loss on drying. In addition, the vaccine was prefabricated with high baseline viability to extreme temperatures (37±1)°C for 24 hours to exclude enough viable microbial cells for subsequent stabilization indicator of viability during storage. It should be noted that all the experimental samples preserved viability index not lower regulated (25%) during the experiment, in contrast to the commercial preparation. To determine the stability of the formulation during storage (over 3 years) was a comparative analysis of the viability of the experimental and commercial lots. To assess post vaccination immune analyzed the immune response to the introduction of a plague vaccine using FACSCalibur flow cytometer, considering that this technology has a high specificity, sensitivity and informativity. With regard to the immunogenic properties, the active component is recorded at a very high level as the white mice, and guinea pigs. Thus, the main biological indicators derived preparations (viability, thermal stability, storage stability) exceed those of commercial analog and provide effective immunological alterations and highly immunogenic in experimental animals.
About the authors
D. A. Budika
Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute, Stavropol, Russian Federation
PhD, MD (Medicine), Leading Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Plague Vaccine Research and Production, Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Stavropol, Russian Federation
РоссияN. V. Abzaeva
Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute, Stavropol, Russian Federation
PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Plague Vaccine Research and Production, Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Stavropol,
Russian Federation
S. E. Gostischeva
Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
Researcher, Laboratory of Plague Vaccine Research and Production, Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Stavropol, Russian Federation 355035, Russian Federation, Stavropol, Sovietskya st., 13–15, Phone/fax: +7 (8652) 26-20-50 (office)
РоссияE. L. Rakitina
Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute, Stavropol, Russian Federation
PhD (Medicine), Leading Researcher, Department of Clinical Immunology and Pathomorphology of Especially Dangerous Infectious Diseases Laboratory of Brucellosis, Labor Institute of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Stavropol, Russian Federation
РоссияG. F. Ivanova
Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute, Stavropol, Russian Federation
PhD (Medicine), Researcher, Laboratory of Plague Vaccine Research and Production, Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Stavropol, Russian Federation
РоссияA. A. Fisun
Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Researcher, Laboratory of Plague Vaccine Research and Production, Stavropol Plague Control Research Institute of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, Stavropol, Russian Federation
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