- Authors: Krivitskaya V.Z.1, Sominina A.A.1, Petrova M.A.2, Amosova I.V.1, Mayorovа V.G.1, Pisareva M.M.1, Buzitskaya J.V.1, Grudinin M.P.1, Golovanova A.K.1, Petrova E.R.1, Kovaleva L.F.2, Kiseleva E.A.2
- 197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17, Research Institute of Influenza.
- Research Institute of Pulmonology, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 5, No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 45-54
- Submitted: 21.04.2015
- Accepted: 21.04.2015
- Published: 21.04.2015
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 273
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Exacerbation of bronchial asthma (BA) and common deterioration of health during chronic bronchiolitis obliterans (ChBO) are associated with viral infections in adults in 64 and 83% respectively. Mixed virus-viral associations were shown in 21–25% of cases. Respiratory syncytial infections were diagnosed with the highest frequency (50%) in patients with BA. Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and adenoviral infections dominated in persons with ChBO in 50 and 42% of cases, respectively. Response of virus-specific IgG in patients with BA and ChBO indicates the acute course of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 (63% of seroconversions). There were no reactions of IgG which is specific to respiratory syncytial virus in 75% of cases and to adenovirus in 83% of cases, that is the risk factor for occurrence of latent/persistent infection. Presence of structural components of respiratory syncytial virus in the upper respiratory tract had been revealed in three patients with asthma within at least 21–28 days. Respiratory syncytial viral infections and pandemic influenza A(H1N1) pdm09 in patients with BA and ChBO are characterized by the presence of an allergic component, which is indicated by the high levels of virus-specific IgE in blood. An adenoviral infection, in contrast, has no such peculiarity.
About the authors
V. Z. Krivitskaya
197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17, Research Institute of Influenza.
Author for correspondence.
PhD, MD (Biology), Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Biotechnology of Diagnostic Reagents, Research Institute of Influenza, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
A. A. Sominina
197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17, Research Institute of Influenza.
PhD, MD (Biology), Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Biotechnology of Diagnostic Reagents, Research Institute of Influenza, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
M. A. Petrova
Research Institute of Pulmonology, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Laboratory of hereditary Mechanisms Of respiratory Diseases, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
I. V. Amosova
197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17, Research Institute of Influenza.
PhD (Biology), Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Biotechnology of Diagnostic Reagents, Research Institute
of Influenza, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
V. G. Mayorovа
197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17, Research Institute of Influenza.
Researcher, Laboratory of Biotechnology of Diagnostic Reagents, Research Institute of Influenza, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
M. M. Pisareva
197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17, Research Institute of Influenza.
PhD (Biology), Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Virology and Genetic Engineering, Research Institute of Influenza, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
J. V. Buzitskaya
197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17, Research Institute of Influenza.
PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Virology and Genetic Engineering, Research Institute of Influenza, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
M. P. Grudinin
197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17, Research Institute of Influenza.
PhD (Biology), Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Virology and Genetic Engineering, Research Institute of Influenza, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
A. K. Golovanova
197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17, Research Institute of Influenza.
PhD (Medicine), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Biotechnology of Diagnostic Reagents, Research Institute
of Influenza, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
E. R. Petrova
197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Professor Popov str., 15/17, Research Institute of Influenza.
Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Biotechnology of Diagnostic Reagents Research Institute of Influenza,
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
L. F. Kovaleva
Research Institute of Pulmonology, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
PhD (Medicine), Senior Researcher, Laboratory
of Hereditary Mechanisms of Respiratory Diseases, Pavlov First
St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation;
E. A. Kiseleva
Research Institute of Pulmonology, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
PhD (Medicine), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Obstructive Pulmonary Pathology, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
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