Influence of ultraviolet blood irradiation on COVID-19 associated community-acquired pneumonia

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The pandemic of the 21st century caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has posed a challenge for the global medical community. Community-acquired polysegmental pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) proceeds in a variety of types and may be complicated by a potentially lethal immune response — the cytokine storm. The latter is characterized by rapid proliferation and increased activity of T cells, macrophages and natural killer cells releasing various inflammatory cytokines and chemical mediators by protective cells. This pathological condition can be treated by recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody against monofunctional cytokine human interleukin-6 receptor. The effect of IL-6 blockers is to selectively bind and inhibit both soluble and membrane IL-6 receptors (sIL-6R and mIL-6R). There are studies demonstrating a positive effect and increased survival rate while using drugs that block the production of interleukin-6. The new coronavirus infection causes inflammation of the artery wall with intravascular thrombogenesis, which justifies the high efficiency of anticoagulant and hormone therapy. The standards of drug treatment of the studied infection include antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, mucolytic, symptomatic, intravenous infusion and oxygen therapy. Methodological recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of a new coronavirus infection, issued by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, are regularly updated in accordance with the accumulation of positive treatment results by global and local medical communities. In addition to drug therapy, there are other methods of body detoxification. One of the additional methods for treatment of community-acquired pneumonia along with viral “vasculitis” and correction of the immune response can be provided by ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI). It is well known that ultraviolet radiation has a disinfecting effect. The wavelengths used in UBI affect the efficiency of UV absorption by DNA molecules of the pathogen. Bactericidal UV radiation at certain wavelengths causes thymine dimerization in DNA molecules. The accumulation of such changes in the DNA of microorganisms leads to a slowdown in the rate of their reproduction and extinction. The photohemocorrection method is characterized by immunostimulatory, antiinflammatory, anti-hypoxic, membrane stabilizing, antioxidant and detoxifying effects. In the current study we obtained data on a significant decrease in the systemic inflammatory response, marked and fast decrease of the C-reactive protein in blood tests of patients while receiving ultraviolet blood irradiation. The relief of the systemic inflammatory reaction had a positive effect on the reduction of infiltrative changes in the lung tissue, as well as the timing of discharge from hospital.

About the authors

I. E. Khodza

City Multiservice Hospital No. 2

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7787-2737

Head of the Department of Gravitational Blood Surgery, City Multiservice Hospital No. 2.

St. Petersburg.


P. D. Puzdryak

City Multiservice Hospital No. 2; North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2631-3622

Petr D. Puzdryak - Cardiovascular Surgeon for Emergency Care, Department of Vascular Surgery, City Multiservice Hospital No. 2; Postgraduate Student, Department of General Surgery, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov.

194354, St. Petersburg, Uchebniy lane, 5.

Phone: +7 911 980-11-70


P B. Bondarenko

City Multiservice Hospital No. 2

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7241-1448

Cardiovascular Surgeon for Emergency Care, Department of Vascular Surgery, City Multiservice Hospital No. 2.

St. Petersburg.


A. M. Degtyarev

City Multiservice Hospital No. 2

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5294-3356

Doctor, Department of Gravitational Surgery of Blood, City Multiservice Hospital No. 2

St. Petersburg.


A. A. Erofeev

City Multiservice Hospital No. 2

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4575-6149

PhD (Medicine), Deputy Head Surgeon, City Multiservice Hospital No. 2.

St. Petersburg.


K. A. Chizhova

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7443-0500

5th year Student, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov.

St. Petersburg.


V. V. Shlomin

City Multiservice Hospital No. 2

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1141-9301

PhD (Medicine), Head of the Department of Vascular Surgery, City Multiservice Hospital No. 2.

St. Petersburg.


E. S. Vedernikova

City Multiservice Hospital No. 2

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8990-0384

Cardiologist, Department of Vascular Surgery, City Multiservice Hospital No. 2

St. Petersburg.



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Copyright (c) 2021 Khodza I.E., Puzdryak P.D., Bondarenko P.B., Degtyarev A.M., Erofeev A.A., Chizhova K.A., Shlomin V.V., Vedernikova E.S.

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