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Abstract. Analysis of anogenital warts morbidity in St. Petersburg and Russian Federation in 2000–2013 has been carried out. The incidence rate in the population of St. Petersburg during the observation period was found to be 1.4–2.3 times higher. In 2011–2013, 3310 pregnant women were tested for high carcinogenic risk HPV by PCR. Prevalence rate of HPV genotype 16 was 11.0 per 100 tested persons. Other genotypes (31, 52, 33, 45, 58, 39, 18, 59, 35)were determined less often (p < 0.001) 6.3; 6.3; 5.1; 4.02; 3.7; 3.4; 2.9; 2.8 and 2.7 per 100 persons, respectively. An increased morbidity of cervical cancer in women aging from 25 to 49 years old was established. Assessment of the economic burden of diseases associated with HPV has shown that in 2012 in St. Petersburg expenses were more than one billion rubles. In the structure of economic lost the largest proportion was associated with premature mortality of women with cervical cancer.

About the authors

L. V. Lyalina

St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute, St. Petersburg

Author for correspondence.
Email: lyalina@pasteurorg.ru

PhD, MD (Medicine), Head of Laboratory of Epidemiology

197101, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Mira str., 14


Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2014 Lyalina L.V.

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