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The article analyzes statistical data on the 2020 vs. 2019 opisthorchiasis incidence rate on the territory of the Russian Federation and in foreign countries, provides absolute and intensive morbidity indicators across entire the Russian Federation and specifically in its subjects - republics and regions, general prevalence of helminthiasis, and opisthorchiasis particularly overall pattern of parasitic diseases, as well as contribution of opisthorchiasis to general pattern of biohelminthiasis, its dynamics, and prevalence of relevant causative agent. A comparative analysis for incidence rates in the regions where opisthorchiasis was recorded and mean country-wide statistical parameters was carried out. As a result, it was concluded that despite a decline in the Russia-wide overall parasitic morbidity, an excess of mean indicators, sometimes significant, was noted in some regions. Thus, compared to Russia-wide magnitude of intensive indicator, it was higher by 4-fold in the Komi Republic, whereas in the Kurgan, Vologda, Arkhangelsk Regions and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug – by 3-fold.

The article provides an analysis of the population age groups as well as percentage of opisthorchis-affected urban and rural populations .

In addition, the special clinical and epidemiological significance of opisthorchiasis remains urgent due to severity of its course, affected various body systems and organs, emergence of serious complications leading to disability, and in some cases to fatal outcomes, the presence of natural foci, most of which are located in the Russian Federation.

Almost all territories adjacent to the basins of the Ob, Irtysh, Tom rivers and their tributaries pose special concern regarding opisthorchiasis. The data related to prevalence of helminthiasis larvae detected in fish in 2020 and 2019 since 2010 are presented.

Based on the data shown above, strict adherence to preventive measures plays an important role in reducing opisthorchiasis incidence rate and preventing its spread.

About the authors

Elina Borisovna Ryabenko

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow

Email: Eryabenko@yandex.ru

Candidate of Medical Sciences, associate professor, Department of Human Anatomy

Russian Federation

Julia Nikolaevna Ryabenko

RUDN University

Author for correspondence.
Email: eryabenko@yandex.ru

assistant, Department of Biology and General Genetics

Russian Federation, st. Miklouho-Maklaya, 6, Moscow, 117198


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