- Authors: Kolenchukova O.A.1, Gvozdev I.N.1, Gorbachova N.N.1, Litvinova I.S.1
- Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center» of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Scientific Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North»
- Issue: Vol 8, No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 157-163
- Submitted: 08.09.2018
- Accepted: 08.09.2018
- Published: 08.09.2018
- URL: https://iimmun.ru/iimm/article/view/733
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15789/2220-7619-2018-2-157-162
- ID: 733
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Full Text
The aim of the research is to study oxygen-dependent phagocytosis of blood monocytes in children with gastric and duodenal erosions and ulcers by chemiluminescence analysis. The subjects of the research were blood monocytes, extracted from blood in 44 children with gastric and duodenal erosions and ulcers in the ages from 11 to 18 years. Microscopic tests for the bioptats of gastric mucosa of both standard regions and edges of ulcer defects had resulted in the determination of 2 groups of the patients with gastric and duodenal erosions and ulcers. The 1st group was represented by Helicobacter pylori high dissemination. As for the 2nd group, the patients showed low bacterization. The tests for luminol-dependent hemiluminescence of blood monocytes in patients with H. pylorihigh dissemination of gastric and duodenal mucosa demonstrated the significant increase of the intensity and the growth of areas both under the curve of spontaneous response and under the curve in the zimozan-induced process as compared to the monocyte activity in the group with low dissemination. Following the lucigenin- dependent chemiluminescence reactions in the group with H. pylori high dissemination we had found significant increase of the time of approaching the peak in both spontaneous response and zimozan- induced processes while the activation index was higher in comparison with phagocyte activities of monocytes in the group with low dissemination. Further stage of the research was to identify CagA-positive strains of H. pylori in the children with gastric and duodenal erosions and ulcers. Studying chemiluminescence activity of blood lymphocytes in the patients with anti-CagA antibodies we found the true increase of the time of reaching the peak, the intensity and the area under the curve in spontaneous process in luminol-dependent response and the time of reaching intensity peak and the intensity of spontaneous chemiluminescence reaction, lucigenin being an activator. So we marked the increase of the activity of oxygen-dependent phagocytosis of blood monocytes in children with H. pylori associated with gastric and duodenal erosions and ulcers related to H. pylori increased bacterization. The growth of H. pylori dissemination results in the higher stage of stomach mucosa inflammation. Therefore active phagocytes generate more intensively the formation of active forms of oxygen, free radicals and the products of peroxide oxidation. CagA-positive strains of H. pylori, as a rule, are associated with the higher level of inflammatory activity than CagA-negative ones. As a result of such influence the functional activity of monocytes increases, because they are «professional » phagocytes. The ability to perform phagocytosis is better expressed in them as compared to other leukocytes.
About the authors
O. A. Kolenchukova
Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center» of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Scientific Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North»
Author for correspondence.
Email: kalina-chyikova@mail.ru
PhD, MD (Biology), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Cell Physiology and Pathology, Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
660022, Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, P. Zheleznyaka str., 3g
Phone: +7 (391) 228-06-83, 228-06-81, 228-06-62 (office). Fax: +7 (391) 228-06-83
РоссияI. N. Gvozdev
Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center» of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Scientific Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North»
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Cell Physiology and Pathology, Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
РоссияN. N. Gorbachova
Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center» of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Scientific Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North»
Email: fake@neicon.ru
Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Cell Physiology and Pathology, Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
РоссияI. S. Litvinova
Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center» of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Scientific Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North»
Email: fake@neicon.ru
PhD Candidate, Scientific Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
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