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Nasal mucous membrane microbiocenosis Research amongst patients with polypous rhinosinusitis is conducted. Patients with polypous rhinosinusitis (PRS, n = 58) aged from 18 till 64 years and group of control (n = 156). For an microflora assessment of nasal mucous membrane during an exacerbation of a disease carried out crops of microorga nisms on nutrient differential and diagnostic agars. When studying the microflora received from nasal mucous membrane 407 cultures of microorganisms at PRS were revealed. In control group of 174 microorganisms cultures are revealed. Among isolates were established 6 genera of 9 species of bacteria at PRS against 6 genera and 8 species in group of control. Microflora quantitative structure research of nasal mucous membrane at PRS of rather control group considerable prevalence of the microorganisms belonging to the sorts Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, and also to Enterobacteriaceae was revealed. It is also revealed increase S. pneumoniae. When determining specific accessory of the microorganisms relating to the Staphylococcus genera in PRS group concerning control the increase in total number of the strains of S. aureus relating to coagulase-positive and S. haemolyticus, S. epidermidis relating to coagulase-negative staphylococcus was established. A big variety the coagulase-negative of Staphylococcus is also revealed: S. epidermidis, S. haemolyticus, S. hominis, S. cohnii, S. capitis, S. hyicius and S. xylosus. In control group of such types as S. capitis and S. hyicius it isn’t revealed. Thus at a polypous rhinosinusitis nasal mucous membrane the expressed dysbacteriosis takes place. The analysis of frequency of occurrence of the microorganisms belonging to different childbirth showed that in PRS group bacteria of the sort Streptococcus and this Nesseria, and also S. pneumoniae, S. pyogenes were most often allocated concerning control. The frequency prevalence analysis of the gene ra Staphylococcus related bacteria, allocated from nasal mucous membrane showed high detection percent as the coagulase-positive of Staphylococcus which to treat golden staphylococcus, and the coagu-lase-negative staphylococcus, such as S. epidermidis, S. haemolyticus, S. hominis, S. cohnii, S. capitis, S. hyicius and S. xylosus in PRS group concerning control. The carried-out analysis virulent and the persistent of properties of Staphylococcus revealed features of the enzymatic device defining the clinical course of a disease: staphylococcus, it is long vegetative on a mucous membrane of a nose change the properties towards increase of resistance to bactericidal influence of natural resistance that probably tells them additional selective benefits at development of inflammatory process.

About the authors

O. A. Kolenchukova

Scientific Research Institute of medical problems of the North, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
PhD, MD (Biology), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Cell Physiology and Pathology Россия

S. V. Smirnova

Scientific Research Institute of medical problems of the North, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Deputy Director on Science Россия

A. M. Lapteva

Scientific Research Institute of medical problems of the North, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation

PhD Candidate Россия


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