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Abstract. In order to optimize the detection and diagnosis of genital tuberculosis evaluation of the specific local antituberculosis immunity in 39 patients with infertility entered to the Department of Gynecology for the implementation of therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy has been carried out. All patients were divided into 3 groups: the 1st one included patients with tubal-peritoneal infertility, the group 2 included patients with infertility not associated with the defeat of the fallopian tubes, the third group was presented by patients with tubal-peritoneal infertility associated with genital tuberculosis who completed the basic course of anti-tuberculosis treatment. It was established that in case of the tubal-peritoneal infertility the local humoral immunity was characterised by increasing of IgM in the whole peritoneal fluid. Among women who recovered from genital tuberculosis increasing of IgA and IgG to M. tuberculosis was revealed in contrast to patients with infertility not associated with damage of fallopian tubes (p < 0.05). In 25% of patients of the 1st group genital tuberculosis was diagnosed. The diagnostic criteria for early detection of genital tuberculosis were determined and the algorithm of genital tuberculosis identification have been proposed.

About the authors

A. V. Mordyk

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Omsk State Medical Academy of Russian Ministry
of Health, Omsk

Author for correspondence.

PhD, MD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Phthisiology and Phthisiosurgery

644043, Russian Federation, Omsk, Lenina str., 12

Russian Federation

T. I. Dolgyh

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Omsk State Medical Academy of Russian Ministry
of Health, Omsk

PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Central Research Laboratory Russian Federation

N. B. Frolova

Departmental Hospital at the Station Omsk-Passenger, Omsk

Head of the Gynecology Department Russian Federation

A. A. Yakovleva

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Omsk State Medical Academy of Russian Ministry
of Health, Omsk;
Clinical Health Care Facility of the Omsk Region Clinical Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary No. 4, Omsk


PhD Candidate, Department of Phthisiology and Phthisiosurgery, Omsk State Medical Academy; Phthisiogynecologist
of the Clinical Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary No. 4, Omsk

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2014 Mordyk A.V., Dolgyh T.I., Frolova N.B., Yakovleva A.A.

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