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Abstract. The samples of air were taken in 122 shops with the split air conditioning systems. The unfavorable changes of air quality were detected after switching of air-conditioning systems. Before switching of the air-conditioning systems, the provisionally pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria in the air were presented in 6.4% of samples, the mould fungi — in 27.8%, the yeast fungi — in 5.7%. After 30 minutes of split-systems operation, the provisionally pathogenic and pathogenic bacteria were found in 97.5% samples, mould fungi — in 72.1% and the yeast fungi — in 27.9%. Moreover, the species diversity of microorganisms in indoor air, after switching of split-system, was fully corresponded (100%) to the microflora of biofilms in internal block of the split-systems. Variants, in which microorganisms isolated from the biofilm in the condensate removal system after the switching split-systems was absent in premises air, were not determined. Thus, the microflora, which forms the biofilm in the condensate removal system, is a source of air pollution in the premises, where the split system were installed.

About the authors

S. V. Kozulya

Crimea State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, Simpheropol

Author for correspondence.
Email: sergiykozulya@list.ru

PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Department of General Hygiene of Environment

95006, Ukraine, Crimea, Simpheropol, Lenina blvd., 5/7



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