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Abstract. The study of prednisone safety for treatment of TB mixed with HIV-infection has been conducted. Two groups of patients were compared. The first group was consisted of 88 patients who were treated by prednisone and standard tuberculosis therapy, the second group of patients presented by 45 patients received only tuberculosis medicines. It was demonstrated that in case of prednisone using (1st group) the number of CD4 limphocytes increased, intoxication symptoms disappeared fast and recovery process accelerated. Increasing of cases with unfavorable course of TB and HIV-infection in patients of first group was not registered in compare with the second group. Thus, using of prednisone therapy to treat TB mixed with HIV-infection was safe, not lead to unfavorable course of TB or HIV-infection. Such kind of treatment especially important for patients with exudative reactions.

About the authors

G. V. Maksimov

City Tuberculosis Dispensary, St. Petersburg

Author for correspondence.

Head of Department TB+HIV treatment

196158, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Zvezdnaya str., 12

Russian Federation

S. L. Mukomolov

Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute, St. Petersburg

PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Head of Viral Hepatitis Laboratory Russian Federation

A. K. Ivanov

Tuberculosis Research Institute, St. Petersburg

PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2014 Maksimov G.V., Mukomolov S.L., Ivanov A.K.

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