- Authors: Turanov A.O.1, Nikitin A.Y.2, Andaev E.I.2
- Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Transbaikal Territory of Rospotrebnadzor.
- Irkutsk Antiplague Research Institute.
- Issue: Vol 8, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 335-340
- Submitted: 01.11.2018
- Accepted: 01.11.2018
- Published: 01.11.2018
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 783
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Studying of immune interlayer value to tick-borne encephalitis virus in human population of the Transbaikalia Territory resulted from natural immunization of the healthy population in 31 Municipal areas in 2011–2016 is presented. Human selections were formed proportionally to the population size in the concrete human settlement among persons of the various age and professional groups living at this territory not less than 10 years and unvaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis virus. Total 4367 blood sera were investigated. Laboratory testing for antibodies of G class to tick-borne encephalitis virus in blood sera of the human population was performed by immune-enzyme analysis using a set of reagents “VektoVKE-IgG” of Joint-Stock Company “Vektor-Best” (Novosibirsk city). The monitoring data indicated the presence of natural immunity to tick-borne encephalitis virus in the human population. Mean annual level of immune interlayer in Municipal areas varied from 3.1 to 52.7% (in Transbaikalian Territory — 13.1±0.51%). High level (from 20 to 52.7%) was characteristic for mountain-taiga-forest-steppe zone (Krasnochikoisky — 23.8±3.36%; Uletovsky — 52.4±4.48%; Gazimuro-Zavodsky — 29.4±4.94% districts) and mountain-tundra-taiga zone (Tungokochensky district — 20.0±3.58%). In steppe zone the level of immune interlayer was lower and observed in districts with elements of south-taiga larch and pine forests. It was established that levels of the immune interlayer in human population living in mountain-taiga-foreststeppe and mountain-tundra-taiga zones authentically higher than in steppe area — t = 3.8; Р < 0.001 and t = 2.27; Р < 0.05, respectively. Distinctions in the value of the immune interlayer between mountain-tundra-taiga and mountain-taigaforest-steppe zones were non-authentic: t = 0.1; P > 0.05. Active circulation of tick-borne encephalitis virus was accompanied by authentic (Р < 0.01) increase of the interlayer in persons with the virus antibodies in 2014–2016 (15.8±0.69%) in comparison with 2011–2013 (9.7±0.78%). Also it was noted in all landscape zones: in steppe zone the increase was to 42.8% (P > 0.05); in mountain-taiga-forest-steppe — to 61.3% (P > 0.05); in mountain-tundra-taiga — to 150.0% (Р < 0.01). It was not possible to reveal correlation between the recourse for medical aid and the value of immune interlayer in the population formed as a result of latent immunization. Results of the population immunity studying essentially expand our knowledge about the condition of the natural foci and dynamics of development of the epidemic processes in it, and can be used at planning of the preventive actions.
About the authors
A. O. Turanov
Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Transbaikal Territory of Rospotrebnadzor.
Author for correspondence.
Chief Doctor.
672000, Russian Federation, Chita, Leningrad str., 70/900.
Phone: +7 (3022) 35-93-23 (office).
Fax: +7 (3022) 35-93-23.
РоссияA. Y. Nikitin
Irkutsk Antiplague Research Institute.
PhD, MD (Biology), Docent, Leading Researcher, Zoological and Parasitological Department.
Irkutsk. РоссияE. I. Andaev
Irkutsk Antiplague Research Institute.
PhD, MD (Medicine), Deputy Director for General Issues and Organizational and Methodological Activities, Head of the Laboratory of Natural Focal Viral Infections.
Irkutsk. РоссияReferences
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