- Authors: Martynova A.V.1,2, Gorkavaya A.Y.1, Abashina V.L.3, Semeikina L.M.3
- Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
- Pacific State Medical University, Vladivostok
- Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Vladivostok
- Issue: Vol 7, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 409-412
- Submitted: 20.01.2018
- Accepted: 20.01.2018
- Published: 17.12.2017
- URL: https://iimmun.ru/iimm/article/view/599
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15789/2220-7619-2017-4-409-412
- ID: 599
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The problem of prophylaxis and treatment of the hospital-acquired infections caused remains actual and urgent and stubborn in modern medicine. Appearance of antimicrobial agents resistant and high virulent strains adapting also to desinfectants. Development of innovative hi-tech diagnostic methods and treatment at wide circulation of microorganisms with multiple antimicrobial agents resistance defines need of continuous improvement of epidemiological surveillance and microbiological monitoring of this group of infections. Aim of project: to carry out the epidemiological analysis of a case rate of hospital-acquired infections in Primorsky Krai and to determine the specific role of hospital-acquired infections which arose in surgical hospitals and units. Material and methods: In work there were used statistical forms, e.g. No. 2 «The information on infectious and parasitic diseases» in Primorsky Krai. A research method — the retrospective epidemiological analysis. Results of a research: In 2015 in Primorsky Krai there were registered 159 cases of hospitalacquired infections, the indicator of a case rate made 0.05 per 1000 treated patients. In comparison with 2014 the case rate decreased, rate of depression made — 28%. According to the statistical reporting the greatest number of cases of hospital-acquired infections was registered in obstetrical institutions — 60 cases (38% of all hospital-acquired infections), in children’s hospitals — 46 (29%) and in surgical hospitals and units — 33 (21%). Other hospital-acquired infections are registered in out-patient and polyclinic institutions and in institutions of a therapeutic profile. In structure of hospitalacquired infections in the territory of Primorsky Krai in 2015, as well as in previous years, acute intestinal infections dominated (35 cases — 22%) and it is purulent — septic infections at newborns (34 cases — 21%). Conclusions: In the territory of Primorsky Krai the hospital-acquired infections are often registered in obstetrical institutions, in children’s and surgical hospitals and units. The tendency to hospital-acquired infections morbidity growthin surgical hospitals and units, most likely, not owing to augmentation of cases of postoperative complications, and at the expense of other nosologies.
About the authors
A. V. Martynova
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok;Pacific State Medical University, Vladivostok
Author for correspondence.
Email: clinmicro@yandex.ru
PhD, MD (Medicine), Professor, Professor of Natural Science School, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russian Federation; Professor of the Department of Epidemiology and Military Epidemiology, Pacific State Medical University Россия
A. Yu. Gorkavaya
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
Email: clinmicro@yandex.ru
PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor, Biomedical School Россия
V. L. Abashina
Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Vladivostok
Email: clinmicro@yandex.ru
Epidemiologist, Department of Epidemiology Россия
L. M. Semeikina
Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Vladivostok
Email: clinmicro@yandex.ru
Deputy Head of the Department of Epidemiology Россия
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