- Authors: Zutkis A.A.1, Milman B.L.1, Dmitriev A.V.2
- Institute of Experimental Medicine of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
- Institute of Experimental Medicine of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Аkademika Pavlova str., 12, Institute of Experimental Medicine. Phone: +7 (812) 234-68-57. Fax: +7 (812) 234-94-77
- Issue: Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
- Pages: 339-346
- Submitted: 03.02.2015
- Accepted: 03.02.2015
- Published: 03.12.2014
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 244
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In the present study the functional role of the mutR regulatory protein gene of Streptococcus pyogenes (emm12) was studied. The mutR gene was inactivated in the strains no. 97 and no. 152 by insertional mutagenesis. Inactivation of the mutR gene was found to affect the dynamic and characteristics of bacterial growth in liquid medium. Expression of secreted nucleases was significantly lower in the mutant strains compared to the wild-type strains. Two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass-spectrometry revealed differences in expression of number of the proteins in mutant strains
compared to the wild-type strains. Inactivation of the mutR gene negatively affected capacity of S. pyogenes to adhere to human epithelial cells. Finally, the virulence properties of the no. 152[mutR] mutant strains were found to be 4,7-fold less compared to the strain no. 152, while the no. 97[mutR] mutant strain became avirulent compared to the strain no. 97 due to insertional inactivation of the mutR gene.
About the authors
A. A. Zutkis
Institute of Experimental Medicine of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Junior Researcher, Laboratory of the Functional Genomics and Proteomics of Microorganisms, Department of Molecular Microbiology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
РоссияB. L. Milman
Institute of Experimental Medicine of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
PhD, MD (Chemistry), Head of the Laboratory of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Mass-Spectrometry, Department of Molecular Microbiology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
РоссияA. V. Dmitriev
Institute of Experimental Medicine of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 197376, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Аkademika Pavlova str., 12, Institute of Experimental Medicine. Phone: +7 (812) 234-68-57. Fax: +7 (812) 234-94-77
Author for correspondence.
PhD, MD (Biology), Deputy Director on Science, Head of the Department of Ecological Physiology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
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